"The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World " - William Ross Wallace (1865)

Educational Reforms

The existing education system is not only outdated & is a continuation of the colonial legacy. The colonial education system was designed to continue creating subservient individuals in the form of clerical staff. Of the 85% selected to the State universities aspire to enter clerical service in the State sector.

The competitive nature of the education system is giving tremendous mental & physical pressure on the child especially preparing for the grade 5 scholarship examination. Apart from the children, even the parents are equally pressured into serving this competitive system.

The Mothers Movement propose to revamp the education system to suit the global needs and remove the competitive nature of exams  and competitive between children and formulate a system that creates a holistic child, attuned to the environment, entrepreneurial, proud of one’s history & heritage and acquires social skills to suit societal needs.