"The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World " - William Ross Wallace (1865)

Creating a Morally Civilized Society

The evolution of civilization began firstly from the cave days to agriculture to the present post-modern era where we are now in the smart stage. Thus we have progressed from tribal to a moral society.

Man’s evolution has taken place with the joint role of both man & woman & sexual reproduction. With the birth of children & the concept of the family nucleus, society has progressed. The family has become the social nucleus.

The moral aspect in the state and the civilized characteristics of the human being or cultured man happened through religion.

The Mothers Movement has no bigger joy than seeing our children become moral & civilized citizens contributing to a moral & civilized society. However, a handful suffering mental disorders wish to challenge the moral society by promoting unnatural sexual relations in Sri Lanka & attempting to legalize these unnatural habits. The Mothers Movement is totally opposed to such unnatural sexual relations & spreading this trend amongst children & destroying their adolescence & lives. We are determined to oppose any type of legalizing of unnatural sexual behaviors in Sri Lanka.

The Mothers Movement will always come forward to promote & foster a moral & civilized society.